With the growing concerns of climate change there is a conscious effort to reduce our carbon footprint. One way to do this is to understand the benefits of buying a real Christmas tree.
All the millions of real trees sold in the UK every year have been purposely grown for Christmas. While they are alive they are taking the carbon dioxide from the air and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. An average 6 foot tree will have been doing this for around 7 years, and there is a constant planting programme in place to ensure we do not run out. These also provide a perfect habitat for wildlife.
Artificial trees are manufactured with products like oil used in their construction. Then there are the gallons of fuel burnt in order to ship them across the sea to the UK. It will take a minimum of 10 years for them to biodegrade on landfill.
Here at Burston Garden Centre, we believe in stocking only the very best products on the market. Christmas trees are no different. We will be stocking several different varieties this year to satisfy all needs. The traditional Spruce and needle retaining Nordmann will be available in a range of sizes, including our new pot-pressed range, for you to come and choose from. We will also be stocking the Noble fir. This tree has all the qualities of the ‘Nordmann’ and the Spruce. It retains needles with a pine fresh fragrance. For something a little different we have the Lodge Pole Pine, Omorika and the Blue Spruce.
To ensure you get the tree you are after it is best to buy early. This way you will get the best choice and more importantly you will be able to give your tree the best start for Christmas. Shop early if you really fancy something different as they are in limited numbers and all Christmas trees are cut at the same time.
We will not only help you pick the right tree for you, but we will also prune to your requirements. We will also take a slice off the bottom of the trunk in order to help the tree drink, treat like cut flowers. Once your tree has been netted by us, it will fit into your car more easily. Your tree should be nice and dry as we keep them in our outside covered area. When you get your tree home, put it in a bucket of water outside for as long as possible, preferably out of its net. When you are ready to bring your Christmas tree in, just remember not to put it next to any heating units such as radiators. When you have finished with your tree, cut all the branches off and put them into your compost bin. Cut the trunk into 10 inch slices and stack in a quiet corner of the garden to help encourage wildlife.
We have a fabulous selection of Christmas trees at Burston, so please pop in and see which one you fancy and enjoy free hot chocolate while you choose.