Looking for colour? Fragrance? A pretty pot filler? Look no further than Nemesia! This popular little bedding plant is perfect for planting out in spring once all danger of frost has past. It’s quite low growing (25-30cm), so best at the front of the border in a sheltered, sunny spot. Look after it well (see below) and Nemesia will reward you with a profusion of delicate flowers from summer into early autumn.
Incredible range of colour
Nemesia come in all colours: from white, pastel pink and lilac through to bright yellow, orange and red to deep pink and purple. For the best effect, mix and match a few and plant them close together.
Fabulous fragrance
Varieties such as Berries and Cream and Wisley Vanilla, smell as delicious as they sound. For a delightfully fragrant welcome to your home and garden, place scented Nemesia by a sunny door, in a window box or on a patio. They’re a real conversation starter.
Caring for Nemesia
As well as sun and shelter, Nemesia need moisture. They will thrive in moist loose soil. If yours is anything but, try planting in a container filled with tub and basket compost. Water pots frequently and water the garden in dry spells, too. Nemesia will stop flowering if they dry out. They also appreciate a weekly feed of either Miracle Grow or Tomorite. Trim off any faded flowers to encourage a repeat flush. To encourage spread, pinch out the growing tip of stems. Nemesia are only half-hardy, so you’ll need to overwinter them in a container in a frost-free greenhouse. To propagate plants, take softwood cuttings in late summer.
At Burston A variety of colourful and fragrant Nemesia are on sale now at Burston Garden Centre located in our bedding area. We have a variety of sizes you can buy them in with a starting price of £1.69