Summer is here!
Here are some jobs to be getting on with this month in your garden:
Don’t forget to water Camellias and Rhododendrons and other evergreen shrubs to ensure next year’s buds develop well.
Keep all your pots, planters and hanging baskets well watered. Even though it’s been raining, they may need additional watering. You can also feed them with the appropriate fertiliser every fortnight.
Stake tall flowering plants, such as delphiniums and lilies to prevent damage from wind and rain.
Deadhead your annual bedding plants and perennials to encourage them to flower into the autumn and stop them self-seeding.
Cut back faded flowers and deadhead to keep your borders tidy.
Now is the time to start taking cuttings of your favourite tender perennials, such as Geraniums and Pelargoniums, to propagate them for next year.
Feed any fruiting plants that you have in pots to keep them healthy and producing fruit. We have a range of different feeds available. Try our zero waste, organic, cold pressed liquid seaweed, it’s suitable for all plants, vegetables and grasses. At £6.99 for your first bottle, you then return with your empty bottle and refill it for £5.99.
Now is the perfect time to prepare the ground if you are planning on relaying your lawn in the autumn months. This will give the ground time to settle. Turf will be back in stock in early September.
Don’t forget to keep feeding your tomato, cucumber, sweetcorn and pepper plants to get the best harvest possible. Feed with Tomorite or a similar feed every fortnight.
Remove the lower leaves of tomato plants to allow the air to flow and prevent disease. This will also allow more light in and help ripen the fruit.
The seeds you sowed in spring, such as carrots, will be ready to harvest and you can continue to harvest second-early potatoes.
Main crop potatoes will be ready to harvest when the leaves above the ground are turning yellow and dying back.
We have a large range of tools, plant feeds and other garden essentials for all your gardening needs. If you are unsure about what you may need, please speak to a member of our friendly team.